Are Authoritative Journals Our Scientific Bibles?
I admire Fox’s “It would be good for science if all were treated the same” in Anonymizing peer review makes the process more just (Nature...

Letter to Nature
Dear Editors, “Arctic sea ice hits second-lowest level on record” by Witze attributes the Arctic ice melt to warm air from remote...

Biden's Plan for Climate Change and Environmental Justice Is Non Scientific
Daily briefing: US President Donald Trump has tested positive ... shows that Biden is going to get back behind the World Health...

Problems of Software Update and Causes of Two B737M8 Crashes
Two B737M8 crashes happened lately: one in Indonesia and the other in Ethiopia. The former killed 189 people at UTC 22:31 on Oct. 28,...

谨此 向伊朗空间局遥感中心遥感专家阿莫里(Abdolreza Ansari Amoli)致谢:他敏锐 地从奇特的办姆地震云和办姆地震预测中发现并肯定地震云是可信赖的地震前兆, 满腔热情地将这一发现介绍给世界,并将寿仲浩推上了联合国讲台。...

Zhonghao Shou’s comment on ‘Global warming’
Nature published Editorial ‘Climate talks are not enough’ of Nature Editorial. The following is my comment: I have discovered a clean...

Introduction of "Earthquake Vapor Model & Precise Prediction"
Welcome to “Earthquake Vapor Model & Precise Prediction”. Here are the authors of the book - Zhonghao Shou and Yan Fang * 63 independent...

Earthquake Vapor Model & Precise Prediction
In spite of the torment of my cancer, no funding, insufficient empirical data and conservative traditionalists’ unreasonable accusations...