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  1. Time: UTC, Lat.: Latitude, Lon.: Longitude, Dep.: Depth (km), Mag.: magnitude. e: earthquake, t: tsunami, f: fire.

  2. The 9.0 Lisbon, Portugal Earthquake at 9:20, 17551101

  3. The Lisbon, Portugal Earthquake at 9:40, 17551101

  4. The 8.7 Lisbon, Portugal Earthquake on 17551101

  5. The 8.6~9 Lisbon, Portugal Earthquake on 17551101

  6. The 8.6 Aleutian Earthquake on 19460401 by George Pararas-Carayannis

  7. The 8.3 Aleutian Earthquake on 19460401 by Y. Tanioka & T. Seno, Japan

  8. 19600522 Concepcion, Chile Earthquake by Amateur Seismic Center

  9. Largest Earthquake in the World by the USGS

  10. 19640327 Alaska, USA Earthquake by the USGS

  11. The Great Alaske Earthquake & Tsunamis of 1964 by Sokolowski, T. J.

  12. 20041226 Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquake by the USGS

  13. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake by Wikipedia

  14. 20041226 Death distribution by the USGS


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