Earthquake Predictions
The real wolf is coming!
Zhonghao Shou
When I was three years old, I heard the fable "The wolf is coming" from my mother. When I graduated from high school in 1958, I really met a "wolf", which may be more powerful than a real wolf. The real story is this: In 1957, Principal Jin of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School awarded me the first prize in the whole grade (out of 700 classmates) because I was the only student who got "A" in all academic exams. Unfortunately, Mao's anti-"right" campaign asked me to expose a geometry teacher named Zhang because I was the representative of the geometry class, I was honest, and I was a bit famous. Teacher Zhu (female), the class teacher, also told me that Zhang has two brothers: one in the United States and one in Taiwan. Teacher Zhang didn't say a word during the political study between 7:00-9:00 on Tuesday and Friday night, and even yawned in public. On the other hand, the lights in his house are always on past midnight. What was he doing? Many teachers said he must have been telegraphing his two brothers, so the school leaders asked me to write a whistleblower so they could fire him. I told Ms. Zhu that I didn’t even know the room he lived in, so how could I write an exposing material? Ms. Zhu told me his room and warned,“ if you don’t go with the party, think about your own future! ”, I seem to hear my mother's cry from a distance: "Wolf is coming!"
I am very grateful to the historian Jian Bozan and his wife from Yan'an and Tao Zhu, the former first secretary of the Central South Bureau of the Communist Party of China. The story of their suicide during the Cultural Revolution for refusing to sign those printed materials exposing President Liu Shaoqi made me dare to tell you the above story.
我在三岁时, 就听过母亲讲 “狼来了”的寓言。 1958年我高中毕业时,还真遇上了“狼”,可能比真狼还厉害。真实的故事是这样的:1957年,杭州市第一中学金校长授予我全年级(700名同学)第一 因我是唯一所有学业考试获得“A”的学生。不幸的是毛的反“右”运动要求我揭发一位姓张的几何老师说因为我是几何课代表, 为人诚实, 且有点名气。班主任朱老师(女)还告诉我张有两个兄弟:一个在美国,一个在台湾。 张老师在星期二,五晚上7:00-9:00政治学习中不但一言不发, 而且居然当众打哈欠。 另一方面, 他家的电灯总是亮过半夜。 他在做什么? 很多老师都说 他一定在向他 的两个兄弟发电报, 所以校领导要求我写一篇揭发材料, 让他们可以开除他。我告诉朱老师, 我连他住的房间都不知道, 怎么能写一篇揭发材料? 朱老师告诉我他的住宿房间并警告, 如果不跟党走,考虑自己的前途! 我感到晴天霹雳, 好像听到远处传来妈妈的呼喊:“狼来了!”
我非常感谢來自延安的历史学家翦伯赞夫妇和中共中南局前第一书记陶铸, 他们在文革中为拒绝在打印好的他们揭发国家主席刘少奇材料上签名而自杀的故事使我敢于告诉大家以上的故事.