Earthquake Predictions
Since 5/1999. Note: (1) The general time window is 112 days, while the average is 30 days for all predictions. (2) Epicenter: mark "AB": sure fault. "E": possible. "?": unsure. Close curve: more possible. (3) Arrow: show an EQ Cloud or a geoeruption. (4) "+": made by Dundee Univ., UK for an intersection of 10-time integrate latitude and longitude. (5) Earthquake data: mainly from the USGS except its loss. (6) Red Color for magnitude>=5.8: A: predicted, while The & The: a found precursor before & after an earthquake respectively. (7) Red Color for result: *: Exact or excellent with an error of one "E" or "?" for the epicenter. **: All exact. (8) Due to no fund to overcome satellite & earthquake data problems, and a lack of time to think over, loss & error are unavoidable. (9) OCHA: the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the UN in Geneva (20050517) (10) Page 31 will arrange data in order of “Date, time, latitude, longitude, depth and magnitude” and adopt nothing for “N, E, km, M”, while minus for S and W (20070105).