Earthquake Predictions
Web Reports

Yahoo. Earthquake Clouds Predicts Mexico Earthquake. Yahoo full coverage, USA . June 16~22, 1999.
Amir Moniri Earthquake Clouds and Short Term Prediction.An Interview with Mr. Zhonghao Shou . Iran Civil Center . Site News No. 3,, Feb. 23, 2004, in English
Thanks to Iran Civil Center & Iranian Scientist Amir Moniri
Quaqualita & Xanadu Ranch. Short Term Earthquake Prediction?. DR1 Weather & Beyond Forum. A debate from Feb. 19, 2004 to Mar. 7
Xanadu Ranch. A thread: Short Term Earthquake Prediction?. DR1 Weather & Beyond Forum. View, Apr. 1, 2004.
BBC Persian. Chinese Earthquake Predictor Has Answered Your Questions (in English). BBC Persian .Persian Jun. 29, 2004
My Iran Earthquake Prediction to BBC Persian Is Correct
The Intute science, engineering & technology at the University of Manchester & Heriot-Watt University UK. Full record Earthquake Clouds and Short Term Prediction. The Intute: science, engineering & technology UK Mar. 16, 2007
Thanks to Intute: science, engineering & technology, UK
Iranian Society of Civil Engineers "Earthquake Research in China" & "Earthquake Clouds a reliable precursor" republished (2005/6/22). Iranian Society of Civil Engineers Jun. 22, 2005
Thanks to Iranian Society of Civil Engineers
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Earthquake Clouds (2008/5/23). Wikipedia May 23, 2008
陈一文 热烈祝贺旅美中国人寿仲浩利用地震云预测地震空难专利 . 陈一文顾问的 BLOG January 7, 2012
小黑鸡 小黑鸡对寿仲浩卫星云图地震预测法的个人研究的异常报告 . 地震论坛 Jan 6, 2012