Earthquake Predictions
5/20/2007 - 7/9/2011
Dates of Cloud & Issue UTC
Earthquake Data
5/11/2008 18:00 Death
5/12 6:28 31.1 103.28 10 8.0 Sichuan, China
The 8 China EQ Cloud
5/17/2008 3:00 (20/5 4:30)
5/25 8:21 32.59 105.42 10 6 USGS or 6.4 China right
A China EQ Cloud≥5.5 likely≥6
5/19/2008 15:00 (20/5 4:30) Death
8/59:49 32.81 105.58 10 6 China,8/18:32 32.04 104.71 10 5.7 right
A China EQ Cloud ≥6 likely≥6.5 in “T” 60 days
5/19/2008 15:00 (28/5 4:30)
8/59:49 32.81 105.58 10 6 China,8/18:32 32.04 104.71 10 5.7 right
中国东经100~107 北纬28 ~33震级6级及以上9月8日及以前。可能 在图中所标明的”T”, 6.5级及以上,以前。大致在四川, 云南附近,请大家根据自己的经纬度在图上核对
7/12/2008 18:00 (8/29)
7/29 18:42 33.96 -117.76 13.6 5.4 Los Angeles
The 5.4 Los Angeles EQ Cloud
6/1/2009 6:00 (predicted to Dr. Foody, editor-in-chief of RSL 7/12) Air France crash Death 228
6/17 0.6,-25.4,4.6; 6/24 0.1, -16.8, 5.2; 7/13 0, -24.8, 4.4; 7/16 3.3, -31.5, 5.3; 7/16 3.3, -31.4 4.8; 7/18 0.8, -29.3 5.2; 8/9 3.7 -32.1 4.7; 8/13 -1.4 -14.9 4.6; 8/22 0.9 -28.5 5.3; 8/30 2.8, -31.2 4.5 All right
6 or more moderate M-Atlantic EQ Vapors
12/30/2009 15:00Death (3/8)
1/12 21:53 18.45 -72.45 10 7 Los Angeles
The 7 Haiti EQ Cloud
2/26/2010 15:00Death (3/8)
2/27 6:34 -35.85 -72.72 35 8.8 Chile
The 8.8 Chile EQ Cloud
3/4/2010 21:00 (3/8)
6/1515:00 23.97 121.58 32 5.4
A Taiwan EQ Cloud, ≥5.5 rectangle, likely ≥6 circle
3/5/2010 12:00 (3/8)
3/5 -36.5 -73.1 M6.6 3/11 -34.3 -72 M7.2 3/16 -36.1 -73.1 M6.7 all right
A Chile EQ Cloud, ≥6.5 rectangle, likely circle. Confused by M6.6 & 7.2 Maybe another before 6/26
3/17/2010 15:00Death (4/15)
4/13 23:49 33.27 96.63 10 6.9 China
The 6.9 青海地震云 Qinghai EQ Cloud
4/10/2010 18:00 (4/15)
6/3 5:35 33.34 96.14 24 5.5 China
A 中国及邻国地震预报 China & Neighbor EQ Cloud, ≥5.5 rectangle, likely ≥6 before 7/22
4/18/2010 3:00 (4/21)
6/133:32 37.4 141.6 7.7 6.1 Japan all right
A Japan EQ Cloud, ≥5, likely in smaller rectangle
4/18/2010 3:00 (4/21)
7/421:55 39.71 142.52 23.7 6.4 Japan all right
Another Japan EQ Cloud, ≥5, likely in smaller rectangle
5/9/2010 18:00 (5/14) Libyan A330 Crash 5/12 Death 104
8/12 11:54 -1.28 -77.30 204 7.1 Ecuador all right
A Possible M America EQ Cloud, if so, ≥7. Lack necessary data to narrow area
5/9/2010 9:00 (5/23)
5/29 2:29 33.16 96.07 5.8 7 China, all right
A中国地震云 China EQ Cloud, ≥5, Lack necessary data to narrow area
9/26/2009 18:00Death (7/3/10)
9/29 17:48 -15.5 -172.03 18 8.1 Samoa
The 8.1 Samoa EQ Cloud
7/6/2010 10:00 (7/7)
9/7 20:50 33.27 96.31 2 5, 10/10 21:44 33.87 72.89 33 5.2, China all right
Two中国地震云 China EQ Clouds, ≥5, likely ≥5.5
17#201007061000ic.jpgThis Image comes from JMA
7/28/2010 6:00 (8/2)
9/17 19:21 36.49b 70.89 199.7 6.3 Afghanistan all right
A Pakistan or neighbor EQ Clouds, one ≥5, or two ≥ 4
8/24/2010 12:00 (8/28) China Yichun ERJ-190 crash 21:36 Death 44
9/2 7:08 52.14 142.15 43.5 4.8; 9/23 22:09 52.38 139.45 10 4.5 all right
Two Russia EQ Clouds, one ≥5, or two ≥ 4
9/28/2010 21:00 (9/30)
1/12 0:51 36.66 -121.49 8 4.5, 1/8 0:10 37.28 -121.65 4.1 Californiaall right
Two or more California coast EQ Clouds, ≥ 4
1/9/2011 12:00 (1/11) Iran Orumiyeh B727 crash 16:15 Death 77
2/7 2:38 31.34 47.52 12 4.3, 2/27 13:18 34.45 47.84 2 4, 4/7 1:27 32.91 48.61 2 4.1 Iran all right EMSC data
One or more Iran EQ Clouds, ≥ 4
2/23/2011 0:00Death (3/12/11)
3/11 5:46 38.32 142.36 24.4 8.9 Japan
The 8.9 Japan EQ Cloud, Tsu 10m
3/7/2011 6:00 (3/24)
4/9 8:58 32.60 -115.72 9.3 4.1, 6/9 15:22 32.66 -115.73 15 4.4 S Calif.all right SCSN data
A California EQ Cloud,>=6 or two >=4 (data too low)
3/18/2011 21:00 (3/24)
4/13 22:10 38.37 -118.74 13 4.3; 22:16 38.38 -118.74 15 4.2 Boundary between CA and NV all right
A California or Nevada Geoeruption,>=5 or two >=4
1/28/2011 12:00Death (4/8/11)
2/21 23:51 -43.58 172.7 5 6.3 New Zealand
The 6.3 New Zealand EQ Cloud
9/7/2009 0:00Death (4/15/11)
9/30 10:16 -0.72 99.85 81 7.5 Indonesia
The 7.5 Sumatra EQ Cloud
3/30/2009 18:00Death (6/3/11)
4/6 1:32 42.42 13.39 10 6.3 L'Aquila,Italy
The 6.3 L'Aquila, Italy EQ Cloud
5/10/2011 18:00 (6/3/11)
A China EQ Cloud >=4.5, likely>=5. The epicenter may be in the smaller circle